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Features of Java

Java Programming


          Learning and practicing java is easy because of resemblance with c and C++. 

Object Oriented Programming Language:

                                                                                    Unlike C++, Java is purely OOP. 

Distributed: Java is designed for use on network;

                                                      it has an extensive library which works in agreement with TCP/IP. 


           Java  is  designed  for  use  on  Internet.  Java enables the construction  of  virus free, tamper free systems. Using Java Compatible Browser, anyone can safely download Java applets without the fear of viral infection or malicious intent. Java achieves this protection by confining a Java program to the Java execution environment and by making it inaccessible to other parts of the computer. We can download applets with confidence that no harm will be done and no security will be breached.


                  Java programs are compiled  to generate  the byte code. This byte code can be downloaded and interpreted by the interpreter. .class file will have byte code instructions and JVM which contains an interpreter will execute the byte code.    


              In Java, many types of computers and operating system are in use throughout the world and are connected to the Internet. For downloading programs through different platforms connected to the Internet, some portable, executable code is needed. Java does not have implementation dependent aspects and it yields or gives same result on any machine. 


                            Executing different parts of program simultaneously is called multithreading. This is an essential feature to design server side programs.  

High Performance:

                             Along with interpreter there will be JIT (Just In Time) compiler which enhances the speed of execution.  


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